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Saturday, October 17, 2009

Lifted or The Story Is in the Attic

Ah yes, this was the week of the Nobel that shouldn't, and the Boy that didn't. And, whether it turns out to be a hoax or not, I quite like the image of a small boy floating up and through the air, followed by fighter jets, helicopters and a worried nation.

And what a story he would have been able to tell!

Spiritualized - Ladies and Gentlemen, we are floating in space
The Pains of being Pure at Heart - Higher than the Stars
Jonathan Richman - A higher Power
The Radio Dept - Lost and Found
Imogen Heap - Hide and Seek

art: Katrine K


otto said...

just was searchin for hide and seek yesterday :D Thanks a bundle.

Unknown said...

The Nobel that shouldn't? Really? Why not?

Unknown said...

Oh, I wasn't making any grand political statement here, just noting the general sentiment that the Nobel was perhaps a bit, well, premature, that's all.