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Saturday, May 16, 2009

Good evening Moscow: Eurovision 2009!

Good evening Moscow! 
Yep, it's that time of the year again. In fact, it's only hours away! Glitter! Glamour! Awful music! Bad haircuts! Fake tans! Hilarious accents! Comedy metal! Suits that suddenly turn into dresses! Ice skating! Petty nationalist voting! England making a fool of itself! Lots of completely unnecessary exclamation marks! !!
It's also the night we get to see how well Greece has managed its annual assignment of combining whiter than white® clothes, an insanely complicated dance routine (culminating in a clever flip, jump or leap), and a girl named Maria into yet another irresistibly catchy tune! The night that Eastern Europe puts fear into the hearts of, well, pretty much everyone else!

  Want to know who will win before the show even begins? Just us this handy chart and a calculator!
It's the Eurovision Song Contest! aaaaaagh! The TV equivalent of staring at a 12 year old girl's Myspace profile for 5 hours!

Let the madness begin!
A few past favourites:
Kate Ryan - Je T'adore (Belgium)
Les Fatals Picards - L'Amour à la Francaise (France)
Texas Lightning - No No Never (Germany)
Sebastien Tellier - Divine (France)
Mihai Traistariu - Tornero (Romania)
Rodolfo Chiquilicuatre - Baila el chiki chiki (Spain)


celtic said...

Here in Portugal, Spain always gets the 12 points. Followed by whoever has more immigrants living here. So, Spain gets 12, Ukraine 10 and Russia 8. Andorra isn't in the final, so, Portugal will get 12 points from Spain without any doubt.

I'm checking the odds on bwin and betfair. Yay money.

Clicky Overload said...

I'm so excited and I just can't hide it! Unfortunately, my favorite song "Aven Romale" by Gipsy.cz was kicked out already.

nora said...

My favourite act of the night was definitely Portugal. I liked them, because they seemed to be "real". Germany (my country) was embarassing as usual, but to be honest I don't understand, why the rest of europe ignores us that much. Didn't you like these fancy shiny pants??
Yes and Greece....I don't comment on that. The german host said "next one is greece, with a guy in a shirt far to short."

Anonymous said...

Tubs and Lazy are watching you 0_0