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Wednesday, April 22, 2009

From the depths... Smog - Bathysphere

I thought (yes, some thought does go into this feature), what better month than the very month Bill Callahan (AKA Smog AKA (Smog)) welcoming the release of his amazing new album, Sometimes I Wish We Were An Eagle, to delve back into the files and present you with one of his finest moments. I've been meaning to put together a Smog/Bill Callahan retrospective of sorts for the longest time, though simply don't know where to start. Watch this space I guess.
Allmusic article on Smog
AV Club interview with Bill Callahan
Bill Callahan live on Pitchfortv
"And if the water should cut my line
Set me free"


wkwkwk said...

I'm downloading 'Sometimes I Wish We Were An Eagle' now. I hope it's good. Because, to be honest, I think all of his new stuff is pretty, pretty, pretty watered down and, well, just bad.