Letters Have No Arms have packed their bags, put their travel hats on, and moved to a new land!

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Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Letters have no Arms is away!

Hello all!
For those of you who have written us in the past few weeks, and haven´t received a reply, fear not! It´s not that we don´t like you, are avoiding you or are ignoring you. Letters have no Arms has simply been on the road! Travelling by bus, train, boat, cable car, taxi, metro and plane, to Berlin, Lisbon, the south of Spain, the Benicassim festival (a review of which willl follow soon) and the Standon Calling (ditto) festival in England this coming weekend. We´ll be back at LhnA headquarters next week, and will reward you for your patience with plenty of goodies... 
Saludos de Madrid!