Letters Have No Arms have packed their bags, put their travel hats on, and moved to a new land!

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Tuesday, July 8, 2008

I'll follow on and I'll be there

I've been on the road
I've been on vacation
I've been travelling light to reach my final destination

Now I'm coming home

So tell the girls that I am back in town
You'd better tell them to beware
Well they may go or they might try to hide
I follow on and I'll be there
So tell the girls that I am back in town
And if it's true I do not know
That every girl around has missed me since
I decided to go

I could be your friend
I could be your stranger
I could be the one your mother said would be a danger
Now it's up to you

Jay-Jay Johanson - So tell the girls that I am back in town