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Saturday, June 14, 2008

So many lights, so many stars, so few Watercolor Paintings songs

^ Watercolor Paintings - Tender Loving Care ^
^ Watercolor Paintings - So Many ^
^ Watercolor Paintings - Snail ^

If anyone knows where we can find more songs by this great band (except for the ones on their myspace) PLEASE let us know!


Anonymous said...

This is a G R E A T band!
But the TLC song.. Oh what a failure.. But the other songs are awesome!

I found their demo album on slsk; check your mails later, I'll send it to you.

Steven Ray Morris said...

aww "Tender Loving Care" is so amazing live. The look on the audiences faces when they realize what Rebecca and Josh are playing is so great and then everyone sings along. It's wonderful.

I also have a bunch of her music, but I don't know what Dora is sending you.

Let me know if you want anymore!

.j.net. said...

Did you ever find out where to get more watercolor painting songs?! I can't find them anywhere!!

FACE PATCH said...

Josh and I will gladly send anyone everything we have recorded.

Eliza K. said...

A post with more is coming soon then,if Rebecca and Josh don't mind - and judging by her comment, they don't YAY ;)

e fox said...

Love Watercolor Paintings. Song on If You Make It: http://www.ifyoumakeit.com/video/watercolor-paintings/telephone-wires/