Letters Have No Arms have packed their bags, put their travel hats on, and moved to a new land!

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Friday, November 13, 2009

10 reasons to look forward to: Primavera Club 2009

With Primavera Club (aka Primavera Sound's little winter brother) less than a month away,  I for one am getting mightily excited. I'm flying to Barcelona in a little under two weeks, (Eliza will follow a little later) and we'll be spending the holiday season there (at my mom's house), only returning home in early January.
I've collected ten tracks that I'd like to see played over the five days of the festival..
1. So Cow

  2. Me and the Bees


3. Scout Niblett


4. Ted Leo and the Pharmacists

5. Cass Mccombs

 6. Woods

 Woods - To Clean

 7. Deer Tick

9. Port O'Brien

10. Jeffrey Lewis and the Junkyard

 Full lineup: