Letters Have No Arms have packed their bags, put their travel hats on, and moved to a new land!

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Saturday, August 23, 2008

New band: Hannah and Sam

art by misspaq 
"We, will practice pronouncing, what's tricky to say"
Hannah & Sam are both seventeen years old. They live, attend college, and make music in Canberra, the capital of Australia. That's about as much as their Myspace page tells us...
Their music however sounds like tin cans, jelly donuts, sprinklers, bottle caps and sunny Saturday mornings. Picture The Moldy Peaches without the mold and The Lucksmiths with a bit more luck.
I discovered them on the rather brilliant Cherrypeel, a site dedicated to discovering and uncovering new, mostly unsigned bands. Their quest is to take the power back from 'major labels, radio stations, and TV channels' and giving it to those who SHOULD be the focus: musicians and listeners. Or, in their own words: 'The Democratic Music Revolution'.
"We will measure in ounces, what's measured in grammes..." 

As for Hannah & Sam. I arrived home late last night, drunk on the stars, and fell in love with them immediately. And in the morning, I loved them even more. And though we're featuring them today, Cherrypeel is full of tonnes of other great new bands you might or might not have heard (of), many of which will surely feature on Letters have no Arms in the near future. 


Hannah & Sam -  Babydoll

Hannah & Sam - Trouble on an iceberg

+have a look at a video of Who's Bitten You? here.

"what would you say, what would you say if I scribbled your name, scribbled into my heart?"


Anonymous said...

I saw Hannah and Sam live at a bar in Canberra last night and it was so good! The harmonies were beautiful and the music was so dreamy.

Unknown said...

Nice! Next time you see them, tell them we want more songs!