I know, I know! I've been notable in my absence. Notably absent. Absence duly noted. Thankfully, Eliza's been holding down the LHNA fort in said absence. In my defence, I've been oh so busy; pretty much working non-stop since getting back from Spain a few weeks ago (more on that in the coming months...). And yet it's no excuse! So sorry, dear reader!
Here are a few pretty special recent covers (+ an older one) for your listening pleasure:
Here are a few pretty special recent covers (+ an older one) for your listening pleasure:
Grizzly Bear - Boy From School (Hot Chip)
Superchunk - Say My Name (Destiny's Child)
Jay Reatard - Frances Farmer Will Have Her Revenge on Seattle (Nirvana)
Ted Leo - With Every Heartbeat (Kleerup feat. Robyn cover)