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Monday, September 29, 2008

New Releases: The Pica Beats, Caw! Caw!, Parenthetical Girls, My Tiger My Timing

I have almost no reservations in recommending the new Pica Beats album to anyone that has any decent taste in music. Granted there isn't anything truly New in it so if you're an innovative/experimental music geek then this probably won't satisfy you. But my God is 'Beating Back the Claws of the Cold' a beautiful thing! The melodies, the instruments, the lyrics, the harmonies... plus there's something very Fleet Foxy but not quite Fleet Foxy about them that I like. The album was released September 23rd on this sweet little record label called Hardly Art (which, incidentally, is the home of artists like Le Loup, Moondoggies and Arthur & Yu). Get your hands on it!

The Pica Beats - Shallow Dive
The Pica Beats - Hope, Was Not a Smith Family Tradition
We've been kindly asked to remove these songs. We can however offer you this one instead:
The Pica Beats - Poor Old Ra

New release also from Caw! Caw! Now this is a band that must certainly live somewhere where it's raining all the time 'cause they're growing and growing and groooowiiiing. And their new EP 'Wait Outside', (which you can get from Slanty Shanty Records) definitely reflects that. I expect even bigger things in the future.

Caw! Caw! - Organisms

I think I'm a bit late in covering the last Parenthetical Girls effort. As with all their albums, I made a conscious decision to take my time with it and not judge too fast. This I've started doing ever since, after ignoring their album '(((GRRRLS)))' for a long time, it turned out to contain one of my favorite songs of 2006, 'Love Connection'. It's been a helpful tactic - given that there's sooo much on there - and it was certainly necessary this time around. 'Entanglements' doesn't strike you as great from the beginning and it's definitely not my favorite of their albums but if you have some patience with it, you are most likely to discover some true gems. Which? Alas, that depends on you and you alone, as every song might turn into a crush for somebody. My crushes are 'Song for Ellie Greenwich" and 'Unmentionables'. Yours?

Parenthetical Girls - Unmentionables

Last on the list, My Tiger My Timing. Now I don't really know much about this band. I know they're from London. And I know that people keep trying to compare them to other bands and keep failing miserably. They've been compared to CSS, Friendly Fires, Hot Chip, The Chap, Architecture in Helsinki, Tom Tom Club, Foals, etc. Now of course it's pretty much impossible for them to sound like all of these in one; if I had to pick one band that they most remind me of I guess it would be The Chap. Though even that's not really fair. Just listen and draw your own conclusions. One thing I know is that they're very catchy and bloodyfuckinpromising - despite the rather awkward band name.

My Tiger My Timing - This Is Not the Fire