Letters Have No Arms have packed their bags, put their travel hats on, and moved to a new land!

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Saturday, June 28, 2008

Ladies and gentlemen, we're floating down the loveless underground. And we're feeling dandy.

Picture by sgoralnick  
I've been listening to The Great Northwest a lot this week. It's the sound of cool parties that only exist in your head. Driving down movie highways on hot cool nights. Ladies and gentlemen, we're floating down the loveless underground. And we're feeling dandy.
"there's guitar, there's bass, there's drums, there's trombone, there's Leslie speakers, practice amps, Jew's Harps, drum loops, tambourines, ebows, harmonicas and pie tins. There's thought... there's love."
Look out for the upcoming album, The Widespread Reign of The Great Northwest
Out on July 29th 
The Great Northwest - Chief John